Input the path of the dll in the Developer Command Prompt for VS2012/13..
cd C:\Users\...\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\CodedUITestProject\CodedUITestProject\bin\Debug
Using VSTest.Console.exe like this:
VSTest.Console.exe CodedUITestProject.dll /Tests:TestMethod1,testMethod2 /UseVsixExtensions:true /Logger:trx
Note There is no /resultsfile option in VSTest.Console.exe command line. You need to use /Logger.trx if you want to generate a trx file.
Note The /Tests command line option cannot be used with the /TestCaseFilter command line option.
Examples of /TestCaseFilter usage with filter as Priority
Examples of /TestCaseFilter usage with filter as Test Category
Examples of /TestCaseFilter usage with multiple filters using "|"
Examples of /TestCaseFilter usage with multiple filters using "|"